OEMConfig is an Android Enterprise standard that enables device manufacturers to make new features and configurations immediately available to customers via certified management tools.

Why is OEMConfig important?

OEMConfig makes managing your Android fleet of devices
easier when using a third-party management solution to simplify
integration via standard APIs defined by Google.

  • Simplified access to new features and policies
  • Easier rollout with custom configurations
  • Reduced maintenance of SDKs and APIs
  • One unified management toolkit
  • Certified to Android Enterprise standard

If you are using EloView, you are already taken care of
because EloView handles content, security and Android device
management out of the box. Want to learn more about EloView?

Explore EloView

How does it work?

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and Mobile Device Management (MDM) toolscan leverage Android Enterprise APIs and Elo specific APIs to manage and configure Elo Android devices. Elo specific APIs will provide additional privileges to perform actions on Elo devices that Android Enterprise APIs may not have access to.

Elo specific APIs include USB port management, network settings, Elo Edge Connect management, device access and UI control and display settings.

Available on the Google Play store, the Elo OEMConfig app provides a single interface for Android Enterprise Certified EMM and MDM tools to enable customers to manage updates and configuration changes to Elo Android devices after they are deployed in the field.

Basic Features


USB Ports



Edge Connect


Device access
& UI control

& time

Elo OEMConfig will continue to grow and gain access to configure
more settings, most of which are driven by our customer’s needs.
If you have any suggestions for the toolbox of features please
reach out to us at support@elotouch.com.